Do NOT Let Extra COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Go to Waste | FleksWork

Do NOT Let Extra COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Go to Waste!

What is FleksWork?

We are a healthcare scheduling & instant messaging solution. In light of unused COVID-19 doses being discarded due to logistical issues, a group of volunteers at FleksWork built a COVID-19 Vaccine Availability Notification Service for hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies to use free of charge. The effective use of this solution will ensure that none of your available doses go to waste!

How does it work?

When your hospital, clinic, or pharmacy needs to inform the community about soon-to-be-expired available COVID-19 vaccine doses, FleksWork will text your message to users who signed up to be notified. We do not blast mass text messages. Our algorithm sends a series of layered and gated messages based on the number of doses you have available. This communication model controls your queue and prevents large masses from showing up at your location.

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Healthcare Provider Sign Up

Use FleksWork's instant text messaging tool to inform people in your community when you have extra doses to offer!

    By logging in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions

    No payment information is required.

    Thank You!

    Thank you for signing up for FleksWork COVID-19 vaccine availability notification service. We just sent you a verification email. Please check your email and follow the instructions. Thank you for using FleksWork

    Just signed up to receive a notification when my local hospital/clinic has a vaccine to offer for immediate injection. Sign up to help avoid vaccine doses going to waste.

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    Young L.A. 'vaccine chasers' crowd unofficial standby lines in

    Young L.A. 'vaccine chasers' crowd unofficial standby lines in hopes of a shot

    There is, officially speaking, no such thing as a standby line for COVID-19 vaccinations in Los Angeles County.

    But some clinics have soon-to-expire doses left over at the end of the day or during an early-afternoon lull, and word has quickly spread about this potential back door to vaccine access. Some who flock to the sites spend hours waiting in the hope of catching a lucky break.

    Read full article


    Is this a vaccination scheduling solution?

    No. FleksWork is your last line of defense from discarding those 3 or 4 remaining doses of the COVID-19 vaccine at the end of the shift or day. FleksWork does not make any promises to its subscribers and does not guarantee a dose, nor do we guarantee that the hospital or clinic using our service will provide subscribers with a dose. We act as a systematic communication tool for those who sign up to be notified if a last-minute dose is available for them to take.

    Is this a waitlist management solution?

    No. FleksWork does not create any virtual queue in its system. Our algorithm randomly selects individuals from the pool of our subscribers and notifies them based on the healthcare provider or vaccination center's criteria (e.g., age range).

    How Much Does The Service Cost to Providers?

    The service is built and supported by volunteers and is free of charge.

    Does FleksWork charge the members of the community for its service?

    No. Members of the community sign up for FleksWork's notification service for free.

    What about data privacy?

    FleksWork does not collect any HIPAA-protected information. We only collect three pieces of information from our subscribers: mobile number, zip code, and age. We do not sell or share our subscriber's information with any third-party organization, including our healthcare partners. Therefore our healthcare partners do not need to worry about keeping the subscribers' information on their systems. We keep our subscribers' information private and store them on secure servers even though we collect very little information.

    Does FleksWork validate subscribers' information?

    No. FleksWork currently does not have a way to validate our subscribers' information, including their age. We trust in good faith that our subscribers are providing us with accurate information.

    How does a hospital or clinic send text messages to FleksWork subscribers?

    FleksWork creates an administrative portal for a designated administrator at your pharmacy, clinic, or hospital. It is accessible on both desktop and mobile. Your administrator can draft a message, select the age range and the total number of unused doses. Our communication algorithm takes care of the rest.